Former Play Festival Topics
2019-Examining Family
Messages by Shea Christie
Directed by Helen Young
Featuring: Milton Joseph, Ange Tamdem and Madison Toma-Dame
Boxes by Caitlin Russell
Directed by Sarah Glubish
Featuring: Wendy Froberg and Michelle Are
Flowers by Ruxandra Chirila
Directed by Andrea Cortes and Jenesis Santos
Featuring: Karl Lubangas and Nancy Ngo
A Part of Myself by Steven Morton
Directed by Helen Young and Holly Hueskin
Featuring: Jill Howell-Follows, Mariah Holland, Amanda Iandolo, Issac Bignell and Benjamin Edwardson
2023-Examining Confrontation
Purg City by Milton Joseph
Directed by Mary Bogucka
Featuring: Gudrun Schulze Ebbinghoff, Austyn Van De Kamp
And How Was Your Week? by Wendy Froberg
Directed by Wendy Froberg
Featuring: Hayley Feigs, Milton Joseph, Hannah Yurub, Jeff Gottfredsen, Bryan McHale
Louise Bridge by Marilynn Russell
Directed by Helen Young
Assistant Director: Valeria Orrego Vargas
Featuring: Finley Hytonen, Willow Martens
2018-Examining Addictions
Portrait of the Beautiful and the Damned by Sajan Ray Dhaliwal
Directed by Helen Young
Featuring: AJ Anwar and Sara Mattsson
Finding Euphoria by Amber Rowden
Director: Shelby Reinitz
Featuring: Emily Snell, Linda Dang, Ben Jones, Christi Dos Santos-Wing and Daniel Kim
INNER DEMONS by Mackenzie McDonald
Director: Kaleigh Richards
Featuring: Kathleen Brigham, Adeline Aris and Mikenzie Page
Phobias by Shea Christie
Director: Matt Dewald
Featuring: Mikenzie Page, Ben Jones, Anna Mae Alexander , Daniel Kim and Christi Dos Santos-Wing
2017-Examining Mental Illness(es)
Picture Says a Thousand Words by Kas Nixon
Directed by Jenna Leclaire and Christine Campbell
Featuring: Dawn Nagazina and Rohini Singh
La Mere/La Mer by Maria Crooks
Directed by Jessica Bruhn
Featuring: Sasha Monica and Chris Gibson
Car Keys by Chelsea Shortall
Directed by Kaleigh Richards
Featuring: Linda Dang and Kathleen Fraser
(un)convention by Jessica Gurnsey
Directed by Helen Young
Featuring: Emily Snell and Emma Secord
2016-Examining Sexuality
Outspoken by Steven Morton,
Directed by Erin Noble
Featuring: Meaghan Mosher and Cynthia Salter
The Sweet Delights of Dating by Grant Dawson
Directed by Mya Swedburg
Featuring: Jerrall Prakash, Linda Dang, and Jen Leclaire
Lust on Trial by Kira Collins
Directed by Steven Rimke
Featuring: Megan Pepper, Stuart Bentley, Terry Chung, Kimberly Carson, and Sandy Lucas
Family Fiasco by Lyndsee Thompson
Directed by AJ Jutras
Featuring: Morgan Garnier, Danicia Ashmore, Mackenzie Mcdonald, Annalee Mckellar, Killeen Delorme, and Peter Kieran
What Now by Annalise Gray
Directed by Courtney Charnock
Featuring: Jonathan Molinski, Brett Tromburg, Tasha Leibel, and Alex Peters
Dreamboat by Maria Crooks
Directed by Mira Maschmeyer
Featuring: Amber Rowden, Erica Ho, and Jesse Ajohn
2015-Examining Power
Voice of the Silent by Bronte Wessig
Directed by Aya Staley
Featuring: Maria Fernandez
A young women explains her actions.
Who's Laughing Now by Linda McCready
Directed by Helen Young
Featuring: Stephanie Orr and Olga Primak
Fat Petey Gets It All Wrong by Ron Frankel
Directed by Michael Badger
Featuring: Jerrall Prakash and Peter Kiren
Kissing Boo Boos by Stacey Lane
Directed by Jenna Leclaire
Featuring: Marin Davis, Victoria Souter, Amber Rowden, Chandler Kerr
The Accident by Richard Ballon
Directed by Olga Primak
Featuring: Brit Kennedy and Stephanie Orr
For A Loop by Donna Hoke
Directed by Jenna Leclaire
Featuring: Angela Giffin and Tara Baergen
Doughnut Hole by Donna Hoke
Directed by Wendy Froberg
Featuring: Maria Crooks, Sandy Lucas and Liz O'Shea
2014-Examining Trust
Mishaps and MisFits by Zahra Damji and Salima Wali
Directed by Zahra Damji
Featuring: Wonser D, Ben Francis, Toni Marie Nielsen, Kirsten Lankaster and Aaron Baumgarten
Mt. St. Helen’s by Rebecca Wohlgemuth
Directed by Helen Young
Featuring: Donna Barnfield, Hannah Dick and Mico Migliarese
Best Interests by Wendy Froberg
Directed by Sam Braitenback
Featuring: Terry Chung, Chantelle Han, Jen Leclaire, Byron Mayberry, Aya Staley and Sherry West
But Is It Art by George Freek
Directed by Brit Kennedy
Featuring: Wendy Froberg, Mick Richards, Jerrall Prakash and Lara Zaluski
2013-Examining Freedom
A Fall as Warm as This by Jesse Anderson
Directed by Helen Young
Featuring: Lorraine Eger, Kendra Hutchinson, and Tyler Reinhold
Mona by Sharon Montgomery
Featuring: Edna Poffenroth
Come Away by Christine Foster
Directed by Brit Kennedy
Featuring: Helen Young, Kristin Jakobson, and Kelton Kolodychuk
Free by Jessica Anderson
Directed by Kira Collins
Featuring: Aya Staley, Aaron Baumgarten, and Steven Morton